WGLE Lima 90.7 is running on low power, we apologize for this inconvenience and are working to resolve this issue.


Public media relies on viewers and listeners for their support.

We have many ways to get involved at WGTE.

Make an Online Donation

Your support makes WGTE possible!


Membership Resources

At WGTE, members get access to an extended library of on-demand programs, a year's subscription to our program guide, invitations to special events and much more.

Benefactors Circle

The Benefactors Circle exists to encourage and recognize individuals who provide upper level financial support to WGTE on an annual basis.

Corporate Sponsorship

Connect your brand with local audiences through WGTE. Business opportunities include customized production services, sponsorship and underwriting opportunities and more.

Bequests and Estate Planning

Your estate plan can also be used to support charitable causes that matter most to you, such as the quality programs and education services offered to our community by WGTE.


Making a tax-free gift directly to WGTE from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) can be a smart way to enjoy tax savings and support the mission of WGTE Public Media.


Use a gift of stock to invest in WGTE for the first time, renew an existing membership, or make an additional gift.  

Vehicle Donations

Donating a vehicle to WGTE is fast, easy and secure. We are happy to accept any vehicle - running or not!

Tributes and Memorial Gifts

Trying to find a memorable way to recognize the passing of a loved one? Making a gift to WGTE in memory or in tribute to a friend, family member, or colleague is a special way to show your love or appreciation. 

Community Partners

WGTE works with a variety of local and national partners in order to bring quality programming and education initiatives to our community.