WGLE Lima 90.7 is running on low power, we apologize for this inconvenience and are working to resolve this issue.

Classical Music

WGTE FM 91 is Toledo's only radio station playing classical music.

We take it seriously and we know you do too.

Classical Music with Mary Claire Murphy

Mary Claire Murphy is an On-Air Classical Music Host & Content Producer and hosts Morning Classics.

Classical Music with Brad Cresswell

Brad Cresswell hosts Afternoon Classics, WGTE in Concert, Live from FM 91, and Living American Composers: New Music from Bowling Green.

Exploring Music with Bill McLaughlin

Bill McGlaughlin hosts Exploring Music Monday through Friday 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Classical Converstations

Browse our audio archive of conversations with classical music artists and radio personalities. 

Live from FM 91

Conversation and performances from local and visiting artists, 10 - 10:30 a.m. the first Friday each month.

Weeknights at the Symphony

Monday through Thursday at 8 p.m., FM 91 features concert performances from some of the country's best orchestras.

Saturday Afternoon at the Opera

Enjoy the excitement of a live opera matinee from wherever you are.