WGTE Public Media is thrilled to celebrate four AWARD-winning projects and the staff behind them, who were recently recognized at The Press Club of Toledo Touchstone Awards event.
The Press Club of Toledo’s annual Touchstone Awards recognizes the achievements of local journalists and community leaders in northwest Ohio. The winners were judged by a panel of journalists and media professionals from the Denver and South Texas areas.
Below you will find more information and be able to watch or listen to the following winning programs:
Brad Cresswell, Opera Out of the Box
Chris Peiffer, Telling It Our Way
Mary Claire Murphy, The Patchwork Suite
Shane Potgieter, Toledo Stories: Freedom Means Never Surrender
Marian and Wladyslawa Wojciechowski dedicated their lives for a free Poland. Each mustered enormous courage as underground agents during World War 2, enduring the darkest of times. Despite their physical and mental tribulations, they pieced together a challenging, productive new life in Toledo, USA, As community-builders of Liberty, the Wojciechowski story is one of defiance and survival.